Partnerships with Foreign Universities, Colleges, Vocational Training Schools, and High Schools
We are currently partnering with foreign schools in over 30 countries in the world. We partner with foreign universities, colleges, vocational training schools, and high schools to promote international education partnerships with Canadian universities, colleges, and vocational training schools for the future success of your institutions and students. A foreign school may gain the following benefits by partnering with us:
- Have articulation agreements between Canadian schools and your school
- Establish a Canadian school’s offshore campus at your school
- Develop joint study/degree programs between Canadian schools and your school
- Have exchange programs for students and teachers with Canadian schools
- Send your students to Canada for further studies with our assistances to get scholarships from Canadian universities and colleges
- Help your school gain international recognition for student recruitment and international education collaboration
- Support your school for your long-term sustainable growth and success through our programs.
Please contact us by filling out the form below if your school is interested in a partnership with us. Thank you.